Dean's Honor List
Undergraduate students are eligible for the Dean's Honor List if they have earned, in any one semester, a minimum of 12 graded units with a 3.5 grade-point average or better and have no grade of I or NP. Dean's honors are listed on student transcripts. Any student who has been found to violate academic integrity policies during an academic year will not be eligible for the Dean’s Honor List during that academic year.
Chancellor's Honor List
Undergraduate students who are placed on the Dean's Honor List for both semesters in a single academic year (fall and spring) will be placed on the Chancellor's Honor List for that academic year.
Honors at Graduation
To be eligible for honors at graduation, a student must have completed a minimum of 50 semester units at the University of California, of which a minimum of 43 units must have been taken for a letter grade and a minimum of 30 units must have been completed at UC Merced. The grade-point average achieved must rank in the top 2 percent of the student's school for highest honors, the next 4 percent for high honors, and the next 10 percent for honors at graduation. The number of recipients eligible under these percentages shall be rounded up to the next higher integer.
Further information about UC Merced honors can be found on the registrar's website.
Last updated: July 2016