Many of the SSHA departments utilize generic email addresses to ensure requests are handled in a timely manner. Each email address listed has at least two or more staff members who monitor it regularly. This allows for continuous coverage when staff are unavailable due to vacation, illness, training or conferences. When submitting requests, please refer to the below email addresses.
General Contact Information
Main Phone: 209-228-7742
Academic Personnel: |
Accounts/Budget/Financial Reporting: |
Academic Advising: |
Assessment: |
Cell/Mobile Phone Ordering: |
Conference Room Reservations: |
Copy Machine Access: |
Course Scheduling (Undergraduate & Graduate): |
Curriculum/Instructional Services: (Course scheduling and enrollments, Course Proposals and other curricular changes, independent study forms, grades, course evaluations, signage for class cancellations, etc.) |
Desk Copies for TAs and Graduate Student Instructors: | and Campus Bookstore ( |
Events Planning: |
Faculty Liaisons (UC Merced): |
FedEx Labels: |
Finance: |
General Questions: |
Graduate Student/Services Support: |
Grant Support: |
Hires (Non-Academic/Staff & Students): |
Hires (Academic): |
Keys and Building Access: |
Lab Furniture: | and Building Manager |
Office Furniture: |
Purchasing: | (Select General Purchasing) |
Reimbursements (General): |
Reimbursements (Entertainment & Travel): | |
Scantron Machine Support: |
Textbook Orders: |
Travel Arrangements: | |
Work Orders (Facilities): |
Last Updated: September 2021
Questions: Please contact Christine Howe.