Administration and Research Support
This growing campus demands many resources to assist faculty members not only in making UC Merced their home, but in promoting and supporting the important research being conducted here.
The Chancellor's Office, the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, the office of Academic Personnel and the Academic Senate are geared toward faculty members’ administrative needs and concerns.
The University of California has a three-pronged mission: research, teaching and community service. For the first part of the mission, the Office of Research; the office of Sponsored Projects; the office of Compliance and Integrity; and Development Services help faculty members pursue and promote their research.
Professors at any UC campus have a lot of plates spinning simultaneously, including teaching. But the second part of the UC’s mission is critical, so faculty members can find a host of online resources to help them stay on track, including the Academic Calendar; each semester’s class schedule; a listing of deadlines; the campus’s academic policies; the project collaboration and courseware system, Cat Courses; the Center for Research on Teaching Excellence; and information on teaching freshmen.
Faculty Service and Support
This campus is evolving, as is its list of services for faculty members, whether a professor is new to UC Merced or has been here since the beginning.
The Information Technology department can help with technical issues, while Business and Financial Services is responsible for the campus's core business processes, including accounting, contracts and grants accounting, payroll, campus cashiering, purchasing, equipment management, risk management, and tax and travel services.
Facilities Management is responsible for the buildings and grounds, including UC Merced’s commitment to sustainability. Environmental Health and Safety supports the faculty to ensure a safe and healthful workplace and to manage hazardous materials in an environmentally sound manner. EH&S offers lab safety training, as well.
Public Relations is here to tell the stories of UC Merced, whether on the campus homepage, through press releases and other media pitches, or by helping promote programs, research, events or services. Public Relations has a variety of internal and external outlets for sharing the important work happening at UC Merced, as well as offering full design, editing and photography services and a talented Web team that can assist with sites.
Learn more about what the UC system offers at UCNet and get the full picture of employment benefits plus other tools and services; get a parking permit; check out campus policies and procedures, the UC Academic Personnel Manual and the UC Merced Faculty Handbook for more information about working at UC Merced.
Other services faculty members can take advantage of include a campuswide events calendar; the campus store; dining services; a massive repository of digital books, books in print and publishing services at the library; recreation and athletics through the Joseph Edward Gallo Recreation and Wellness Center; and campus escorts for people working late.
Last Updated: April 2018
Questions: Please contact Christine Howe.