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Undergraduate Student Staff

Undergraduate Student Staff Hire and Extension/Separation Process 

If you are interested in hiring a new Undergraduate Student Staff Hire or Extending the appointment of a current hire, please follow the instructions below. Students cannot begin work until they have signed new hire documentation and received approval to begin work from Student Employment.


How to use this site:

  • Hiring Manager: Whether you are a staff or faculty member, ensure you have completed Section 1 then contact the AP Team, specifically Joe Swann at, to guide you through the next steps. 


Section 1 – Job Description and Funding: To begin the process please refer to the links below for all referenced documents.

  • The  Student Classification Guide will help you determine what level you want to bring in the student assistant.
  • The  Student Assistant Pay Schedule provides the hourly rate for each level. 
  • Once you know the student assistant level, please fill out the Undergraduate Student Hire Job Description and sign. If you already know who you intend to hire, please have them sign the bottom of the form as well and provide their student ID number.
  • When emailing the completed documents please provide the following:
    • Funding Source: Please provide COA or an accurate description of the account.
    • Expected Start and End Date.
    • Number of hours the student hire will work each week.
    • Student ID number for your student hire.
    • Phone number for your student hire.
    • Physical Location where the student will be working on campus.


General Information

Undergraduate Student Hire Appointments: Please note, undergraduate student hires cannot hold more than two appointments at the same time. If they will be separating from one of these positions prior to starting a new one. Confirm the necessary separation form has already been submitted.

Undergraduate Student Hire Hours: Undergraduate student hires can work a maximum of 18 hours per week during the semester. These hours are total, not per position. Meaning if they hold two appointments, they must still stay within the 18 hour max. The only exception to this limit is Summer and Winter breaks, where the allowed hours expand to 40 per week.

Direct Hires vs Recruitment: Whether you need to recruit for the position or if you already know who you intend to hire the same documentation will need to be completed. Student information and signatures will be completed after you have made your final selection.

Student Hire Benefits: Undergraduate student hire benefits are covered under SHIP. After an undergraduate student hire graduates these benefits continue through the day before the next academic term begins. However, if they graduate during the spring semester, their coverage continues through the summer up to the start of the fall semester.

Student Sick Leave and Separation: Students may earn sick leave occasionally during their employment period. Use of this sick leave is governed by UC Policy and the balance is not paid upon separation. Reporting sick leave on final timesheets with the intent of using up previous balance is not allowable. Absence from Work Policy.

Employment after Graduation: Undergraduate student hires cannot be hired after graduation. However, they can keep their position up to the start of the next semester after they graduate.


NOTE: These are non-academic titles.  If you are seeking an academic undergraduate student hire title, please contact Vanessa Woodruff