About the Book:
Los Angeles is the epicenter of the American gang problem. Rituals and customs from Los Angeles’ eastside gangs, including hand signals, graffiti, and clothing styles, have spread to small towns and big cities alike. Many see the problem with gangs as related to urban marginality—for a Latino immigrant population struggling with poverty and social integration, gangs offer a close-knit community. Yet, as Edward Orozco Flores argues in God’s Gangs, gang members can be successfully redirected out of gangs through efforts that change the context in which they find themselves, as well as their notions of what it means to be a man.
About the Author:
Edward Orozco Flores is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Merced. His research centers on race, gender, immigration and religion.
Link to buy the book: https://nyupress.org/books/9781479878123/#.U9bd1uNdXDE