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Cognitive and Information Sciences Degree Programs

Cognitive Science

Cognitive Science is the interdisciplinary study of human thought and behavior. It combines methods, theories and applications from many disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, linguistics, computer science, neuroscience and biology. The Cognitive Science majors, B.A. and B.S., provide a broad knowledge of cognitive science, including language and communication, reasoning, memory, categorization, cognitive modeling, perception and action, philosophical foundations, artificial intelligence, cognitive engineering, and cognitive science applications for the business setting. A degree in Cognitive Science provides in-depth training in research methods, data analysis, modeling, and lab-based research and it provides excellent training for jobs in high-tech companies. It is ideal for students who want to pursue graduate work in cognitive science, business, communications, computer science and engineering, education, information sciences and information management, law, linguistics, management, medicine, neuroscience, and psychology.

Department Website


Philosophy studies issues of basic human importance, such as: what sorts of things exist in the universe, the nature of the mind and thinking, what we can know, what is valuable, how we should treat others, what constitutes the best form of government, and what makes for a good and flourishing life. Philosophers consider theoretical, conceptual, and foundational questions of this sort both on their own and in relation to other disciplinary areas. They study, for instance, mind and consciousness, moral conduct and agency, the organization of social structures, decision making, ethical questions concerning the environment, biotechnology, and business, and questions in the foundations of mathematics, physics, biology, and the cognitive sciences. The philosophy major and minor aim to help students understand some of the foundational and applied lines of inquiry associated with philosophy, and to develop the thinking skills needed for this. The study of philosophy is both personally and professionally enriching. Philosophy training is associated with competitive salary outcomes. A philosophy major is also a standard precursor to law school and other professional degree programs.

Department Website

Updated 2021