Robin Maria DeLugan joined UC Merced in 2006 as a founding faculty in Anthropology. She received her training in Sociocultural Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley (BA 1995; PhD 2005). Her major research focuses on El Salvador’s post-civil war transitions and efforts to create national unity by promoting national culture, history, and identity. She has applied the methodology for that research to chronicling efforts in the Dominican Republic and Spain that examine how national history is being re-examined through new public sites of memory (museums, monuments, and commemorations). She is the author of Reimagining National Belonging: Post-Civil War El Salvador in a Global Context (University of Arizona Press, 2012) and Remembering Violence: How Nations Grapple with their Difficult Past (Routledge, 2020).
At UC Merced Professor DeLugan has been a champion for community-engaged research through initiatives such as her Resource Center for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ReCCES), the Community Research and Service minor, and ongoing efforts to strengthen ties between the community and the university.